For best results, please use the 'continue' and 'previous' buttons on the bottom of your screen to move through the questionnaire. Please do not use the 'back' button at the top of your browser screen.

If you are experiencing technical difficulties with your survey, please click on FAQ tab to know the Frequently Asked Questions, or call our toll free number at 800-753-6043.
Your participation is very important to the success of the survey, so please call at your earliest convenience.
Helpful Hints...
- Please read each question carefully. Some ask about you. Others ask about your household.
- Some questions ask about different time periods.
- Some questions need only one answer. These questions have round buttons. For others, mark all that apply. These questions have check boxes.
- Please click on the button or box to mark your answer.
You can also access Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s). Or, Call us toll-free at 1-800-753-6043
Please click the following link to frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Scarborough Surveys:
- For taking part in our consumer survey.
- This questionnaire will take just a short amount of your time.
- Your answers are very important to us and will be kept strictly confidential.
- Please read each question carefully. Some ask about you. Others ask about your household.
- Some questions ask about different time periods.
- Some questions need only one answer. These questions have round buttons. For others, mark all that apply. These questions have check boxes.
- Please click on the button or box to mark your answer.
On each page of the survey, a help tab is available. Click on this for more information about how to answer the survey. You can also access Technical help or Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s) by using the Help tab.
Or, Call us toll-free at 1-800-753-6043